• 9, Oluwole Baker Street, Thomas Estate, Ajah, Lagos
  • 09124848288 | 09154169482
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Our Academics

We run a blend of the British/Nigerian curricula with some toppings of the Montessori methodology of learning. We maintain a small class of between 12 and 15 students this is to enable us achieve our personalised educational approach. At FCS we know that every learner is unique both in their personalities and learning styles; our professional educators factor all these into their daily teaching and interactions with the learners. Our aim is to produce learners who will flourish in different aspects of life – contributing meaningful to the society and the world at large.

Our teaching is aided by the use of advanced audio-visual methods and other school technology based educational aids. The selection process of our work force is painstakingly thorough to ensure that we deliver on our vision of developing well rounded; thorough-bred; creative; confident, innovative children who will grow up to fear the Lord and become global solution providers.


Your chance to build the right foundation
We understand how fundamental the early years of children are; this is why we have set all the necessary things in place to meet your desire of giving your child an impressive headstart in their learning journey. You no longer have to worry about how your child’s educational journey. Let’s be your educational partner.

Click the link to apply now.


Stay in control of your child’s learning experience.
At FCS we let you stay in control of your child’s learning experience as we maintain an international best practice of providing frequent progress report on your child and an open communication channel with you. Your little ones will have a great time at our Playgroup class with age appropriate learning programs, materials and mode of instructions.

Begin the journey now.


You get much more than teaching and care.
We do not just stop at giving your child qualitative learning experience and superb care at Flourish Court School – we take many nudges up to ensure that every moment spent at FCS is memorable, impactful, and rewarding for your child. It’s just the best learning hub that you’ve always wished.

Join our thriving learning community.


Little steps that count
Growth is such a beautiful process to nurture, guide and watch as it blossoms. The little steps soon become a wonder to behold. We like to think that we were made for this assignment of turning little humans into great future giants – serving as a gateway to a flourish future for the good of humanity. We’ve all it takes to give your adorable little ones the qualitative education you’ve always been promised.

Get started today.


Find your place here.
Everyone needs a place where they can experience the gift and warmth of community. A place they can feel safe, belong, learn , innovate, inspire, initiate, lead and solve problems for the benefit of humanity. We prepared this place for your children above age 5. Our Primary programme prepares them for post primary experience and beyond.
Our community welcomes you.

Join now.